Although CABO is an all-volunteer-run organization, we do have costs. Your contributions are necessary for continuing our mission to encourage, maintain, and improve cycling in California.
We exist to serve the community of bicyclists—bike clubs and their members, bicycling commuters, cycle-tourists, mountain bikers, utility-trip cyclists, pedicab drivers, racers, and yes, all individual bicyclists.
Memberships expire one year from joining or last renewal. A reminder will be sent about one month prior to expiration.
Organization Member Annual Dues
- $50 for fewer than 250 members
- $100 for 251 to 500 members
- $150 for 501 to 1000 members
- $200 for more than 1000 members
Supporting Member/Associates Annual Dues
- $25 – Supporting Individuals
- $50 – Supporting Businesses
CABO is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation to which donations, including CABO dues and IRA charitable distributions, may be tax deductible; check with your tax professional. CABO’s tax ID is 68-0010108
Donations by check may be sent to Calif. Assoc. of Bicycling Organizations, c/o Alan Forkosh, 33 Moss Ave. #204, Oakland, CA 94610
Donations, not memberships, may also be made via PayPal:
Organization members, please forward your newsletters to us so we can keep up with your activities and issues. Send to:
California Association of Bicycling Organizations (CABO)
3335 N Mountain View Dr
San Diego, CA 92116
Remember: CABO is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.