RE: Support for AB 1266
Dear Assemblymember Robert Rivas,
The California Association of Bicycling Organizations (CABO) appreciates your bringing this bill forward. We support this proposal for reducing friction, collisions, and hard feelings between people at intersections that have right turn only lanes (RTOL). CABO supports the intent to assist people – through education, pavement markings and/or signs – to enable bicyclists to get straight through when RTOLs are present.
The legislation at present seeks to modify part of existing CVC 22101 about right turn only lanes as follows,
“When official traffic control devices are placed as required in subdivisions (b) or (c), it shall be unlawful for any driver of a vehicle to disobey the directions of such the official traffic control devices. devices, except that a driver of a bicycle may travel straight through a right-turn-only lane when pavement markings indicate that the movement is permitted.”
We consider that it is preferable when space allows, that the RTOL remain an RTOL for all travel methods. We know that some people bicycling or scootering intending to go straight do so in an RTOL and would more be more likely to stay too far to the right in an RTOL if/when they are excepted from CVC 22101. Care must be taken that these errors are not encouraged.
We expect that this bill proposes that pavement markings be developed to allow bicycling straight through from an RTOL in a relatively safe manner. The type and placement of pavement markings should be tested, and guidance adopted for inclusion in the California Manual of Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD). We recommend that details of the striping, pavement lines and markings, and signs be determined by Caltrans Traffic Engineers, not through legislation. The bill could perhaps include a one-year or less deadline imposed for Caltrans accomplishing CA-MUTCD guidance for “pavement markings” and signs for this purpose.
Sincerely, Jim Baross, President California Association of Bicycling Organizations (CABO)