3 thoughts on “CABO Now SUPPORTS 3-Foot Passing Bill SB910

  1. Eric B

    It sounds like your legislative expertise was instrumental in perfecting the bill. Thank you for your friendly criticism and support of the final bill. All of us on two wheels are better off for it!

  2. jim baross

    In retrospec this looks a lot like a “good cop, bad cop” sort of scenario; CBC supported the idea from the start and CABO opposed. Both organizations worked on it; CBC to garner wide popular support and CABO though opposed, working to to get it right – providing criticism and amendment wording. Both provided testimony at hearings.

    This was done w/o overt planning or discussion between the “cops” at least I don’t know of any such planning. Although I and Alan W. assisted both organization’s efforts. Maybe there is room/reason for having the two statewide advocacy organizations?

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